How to choose

For quick orientation in size determination you can use the size tables stated at each item in a guideline GO! Wizard. Because we want the clothes to fit you just perfect you can borrow the size samples which you can try on with your friends.

If you do not have a graphic designer in your club, do not waste your time on a design production. Send us your sketch or your idea and description; attach the logos and leave the rest to us. We will create the drafts and adjust them to all your comments.

Please remember that sending the logs in curves (vector graphics) will fasten the designs production.

Ordering procedure:

  • Send us your order of particular kinds of clothes and approximate number of pieces
  • We will make an offer together with terms of payment for you
  • After the agreement you will send us an order and bases for the design
  • You will get a size sample set from us to try on
  • We will make a graphic preview and after specifications and approval the production will start
  • The order is dispatched according to your requirements

We will make an offer together with terms of payment for you